Amanda Rae Storteboom

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Episode 9 - Imposter Complex Continued and What About Diversity?

Amanda Rae and Khalil continue their conversation about the imposter complex. They dig into the systemic nature of the imposter complex for women in particular and how this internalization of lack worthiness is a reinforcing mechanism of patriarchal systems. They sort through the difference between chronic and episodic imposter complex, talk through how to cope with each and tango with your imposter complex.

Khalil and Amanda Rae discuss diversity in the workplace and how much of your culture should you bring with you into the workplace. They discuss how culture affects communication and perception of others in the workplace and the interesting concept that organizations can only reap the benefits of diversity in the workplace IF they believe in the benefits.

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Millennial Leadership Podcast Episode 9 Khalil Hassanali & Amanda Rae Storteboom

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