
You have everything you need to change your world

If I had a magic wand I would grant you the ability to see that YOU are the best person to take action on changing the world around you. Why? Because you have the ability to see the world around you in a way that no one else does! No one else is as well positioned as you to take action on what you see.

I know the feeling of bumping up against systems and processes that just don’t make sense for the world we live in. I know the feeling of frustration that no one around me seems to care as much as I do about creating systems and structures that work FOR ALL. And I know the feeling of running into the same wall over and over again, eventually becoming demotivated and trying to ignore what got me so fired up in the first place.

Worst of all is probably when I realize my frustration has become apathy. Just not caring takes the edge off my anger and passion, but it also takes the edge off everything else I care about. Apathy requires distancing from the things I care about, which is not what I truly want. What I want is to feel CONNECTED.

I have learned pure passion is not enough to create change in the causes I care about. However, it IS an essential ingredient. And with a flexible strategy and an adaptive philosophy – YOU CAN MOBILIZE YOUR PASSION INTO ACTION!



My Big Vision for the World

I have a vision in which our SYSTEMS ARE RECREATED so that WE ALL THRIVE. I believe each one of us has a critical role to play in bringing that vision to life.

I imagine a world where individual changemakers are able to make CONSCIOUS and INTENTIONAL decisions about where to put their ENERGY and EFFORT so that they create movement in the causes they care about.

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My Background and Philosophy

My maternal grandmother was a business leader in a time when women were not business leaders, she was recruited to build teams and organize them around a common goal. It’s wild to think of my Nana as a career leader, because I never knew her in that light. At home my Papa ran the house and although my Nana made the majority of the income, her JOB was still to raise the family and hold the traditional woman’s role. In many ways the external world is starting to shift, but in many ways we are still living out the repercussions of generations of this cultural expectation. Even we might not experience this oppression visibly in today’s world, it’s still IN us, and we have to work daily to unwind our thinking that anchors this dynamic.

I have a professional background in non-profit leadership. That where I realized my love of organizations and systems and my responsibility to the next generation. My particular organization was really forward thinking and innovative and I was exposed to all sorts of social innovation, change management, implementation science and systems tools which I got to practice using to build a framework for our organization to deliver on our vision. What I realized through that experience is that there are really tactical tools and methods that have been developed in all these different disciplines that can be used for GOOD. To move forward these big social and environmental agendas that each of us has. Ever since then, I have felt compelled to find ways to get these tools into the hands of those who can use them to effectively advance their agendas for positive impact.

I believe our external impact can only ever match our internal readiness. This is why a large part of how I walk in the world is examining who I am as a leader, a creative, a neighbour, a human. AND I also believe, when we are making that external impact – let’s use strategies, tools and frameworks to help us! I am a big believer, and I can thank my MBA training for this: Let’s work smarter not harder. That’s literally what we are taught in business school: how to lean on each other and work together under pressure to achieve a common goal. Except in business school, that goal is typically profit, but why aren’t we using these well-tested strategies to advance our social and environmental agendas?!

One person can’t do it alone, but it takes one person to start. You never know the full ripple effect of the steps you take until you take them. Are you ready to step in?


Certification Snapshot

Gaia Women’s Leadership Certified Coach

Indigenous Canada Certification

Master’s of Business Administration - Executive Management

Diversity and Inclusion Certification

Brain Story Certification

Mental Health First Aid Certification

Prosci Change Management Certification - ADKAR model