signature Group experiences

Together we are more than the sum of our parts


Group Experiences


Think like a changemaker Signature Offering

Turn your vision into action. This signature offering gives you the roadmap to get traction on the cause you care about. For more information on Think Like a Changemaker and to learn about upcoming offerings, reach out to me at the link below.



Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from our current surroundings in order to focus on building what we really want. If you are interested in attending a retreat to focus on understanding where your brain works for you and against you, choosing your intentions, becoming more present in your life and connecting more deeply to yourself and those around you tell me about it! Contact me to let me know your interest and then join the mailing list to be the first to find out when registration opens.


Disruption Strategy Accelerator

10-week incubator to design your strategy and take action on the change you are leading.

This is a high intensity program for changemakers who have a specific change in mind that they want to take action on.

Click the link below to be notified first when enrolment opens.
