create the conditions to make the impact your organization is here to make

Strengthen the adaptive capacity of your team to meet the ongoing pace of change and develop leaders capable of taking action in complexity


you need to constantly evolve and pivot your business models to stay relevant. This is true now more than ever.

Traditional change management models can’t meet the pace of change.

What’s more is your organization is full of deeply caring; multi-faceted humans who hold visions for a better world. What is getting in the way of them bringing the totality of their gifts to your organization?

The answer is in your people.

Focus on building the adaptive capacity of your leaders to meet the constant pace of change and you will reduce the need for traditional change management. Invest in your changemakers by giving them the tools to take action on their passion and innovation won’t be something you aspire to, it will be: “the way we do things around here.”

Book a consult with Amanda Rae to discuss custom support for your organization or click on the current trainings button to see the available programs your leaders can get started with right away.

 Current Corporate Service Offering

Below is a snapshot of the current corporate services Amanda Rae offers. Please book a consult to discuss your specific organizational needs.

  • Get really clear on who your organization serves and how. What’s the impact YOU are uniquely positioned to deliver.

  • You can have the best plan in the world, but you need to take action to make the impact you are here to make. Sometimes temporary external support is necessary to align the team, remove any barriers and take the plan from idea to action. Amanda Rae will sometimes provide temporary implementation support for change projects that require her specific skill set.

  • Is your team getting really stuck in their corner of the world? Does it feel like you are doing the same thing over and over again without different results? Understand the interconnections of issues you are trying to address and find new levers to influence the change you are here to make.

  • It’s inevitable that change agents run into challenges - that’s a normal part of creating change and making an impact. Build a team that’s able to navigate obstacles together instead of getting set back by set backs.

  • Support your women leaders to step into their full capacity as new managers. Overcome internal barriers and develop strategic thinking capacity to move from “doing” to “leading.”

READY TO unlock the power of your team?
