This Heroine's Journey
So if you are here you are interested in This Heroine's Journey - thank you. When I explained where I was at in my life and what I was going to do next a friend said to me: "oh this is your Hero's journey."
The Hero’s Journey, identified by Joseph Campbell, is the story that is told over and over in many cultures all over the world. The basic plotline is: the young man gets the call, he tries to resist the call, eventually he takes the call. The story is about the trials and tribulations he goes through after he accepts the call to step into his authentic self.
Surprisingly (or not surprisingly because I am learning that nothing in my life seems to be by accident when you look back on it) when I was on my drive through Alberta one of the first podcasts I listened to was Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah's Super Soul Session talking about the Hero's Journey. Liz talks about how there has historically been no place for a woman in that journey according to Campbell. In her conversation with Oprah, Liz identifies a struggle with the concept that there is no place for a woman in the lead role of the Hero's Journey. In full agreement with Liz, I decided to write This Heroine's Journey. This is my story; my path. I don't know where it is going to go, but I know it will probably be full of trials and tribulations and ultimately totally worth it.
Gilbert, Elizabeth. Part 1: Your Life’s Calling. Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations (November 27, 2017)